Monday, March 9, 2009

My To Do List

-register at hospital
-call Matt at MS Society about updating my MS Walk page
-curtains? (meaning "what are we doing about curtains/window coverings in the baby's room?)
-call Kelsey
-car loan online (meaning "figure out how to pay our "new" car loan online.)
-maternity clothes-basement (meaning "have Chris help me search through the bins in the basement for some warmer weather/bigger maternity clothes. This involves lifting and moving which the beach ball/child in my stomach will not let me do)
-file basement (meaning "file bills, etc. in filing cabinet in basement.)
-pack hospital bag (ack! am I really getting that close?)
-clean/disinfect baby toys
Exciting, eh?

1 comment:

  1. You are only allowed to call me if it feels like a pleasant thing to do - if it feels like a stressful item on the list, cross it off immediately! :-) Kisses!
