Sunday, February 22, 2009


I'm I the only person who really doesn't care about the Oscars? I like to see what people are wearing and what wins and all, but....I'd rather take some Tylenol PM and go to bed early.

I still haven't posted baby shower pics...I'm rather frustrated trying to figure out how to format them on the page. Hmmm. I need to work on my frustration/lack of patience as a general rule in my life.

Speaking of which, I'm still trying to get my insurance situation figured out before baby comes. Government!

Chris is in Michigan this week. Boo! I'm trying to make lots of plans and stay busy to not miss him too much. Call me if you want to hang out!

Heartburn/acid reflux/ indigestion sucks. (and what, exactly, is the difference between the 3?) I can't wait to hold this over the kid's head. "Do you know what I had to suffer b/c of you??" (I'm sure the birth story will support that, too.)

I feel like I should be taking more photos of my tummy for posterity. It's hard to do this by yourself. (see above.--so why didn't this photo post down here where I stopped my cursor?)

Monday, February 16, 2009

Baby Shower #1

I intend on posting some photos from my "friend" baby shower yesterday but right now this bad head cold is on day #4 and I can barely see straight. Time to go back to coming soon, promise.

Friday, February 13, 2009


My last post doesn't look anything like I wanted it to. Clearly, I have much to learn about formatting.

Sicky. I think.

I think I'm coming down w/a little cold. Yucky. Went to baby doc this AM and she thinks I may have a UTI. Double yucky. I have errands I need to do today for my (first! friends!) shower on Sunday but my lovely husband says he'll take care of them when he gets home. He wants me to stay home, off my feet and drink my fluids. Well, if he insists. Although I feel like a lazy butt especially on such a relatively warm and sunshiney day.

Does anyone out there also deal w/Fibromyalgia? Now that I'm getting into my 8th month of pregnancy, I am getting increasingly sore and stiff. And my sinus stuff is definitely not getting better either. Fun, fun.


Here are some photos of the crib in the nursery...we are finally starting to put stuff in. YAY! I can't believe how cute it is to see a crib and a changing table in there. :-) And I can't wait to keep loading stuff in and cute-ing it up even more!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Goodbye, Corolla!

Thanks for 8 years of safe driving and nearly no accidents. Godspeed, old friend!
(New car photo coming soon.)

Friday, February 6, 2009

"New" Car and Fear

The "new" car is the good part...the fear (while not about the car) is the bad part.
We are selling today my 97 Corolla and purchased last night a gently used 04 Sentra. HOORAY! The feeling of having a safe, reliable car again will do wonders for my "isolation." I can go wherever I want! Whenever! And TURN b/c the signals work! Amazing. It's worth having a car payment again.
So the fear part comes in b/c Chris found out today that he has to go to Grand Rapids, MI for training for his new job. For a week at a time. Between now and mid March. due date is April 9th. How freaked out am I that the baby will come while he's gone? Now, I think that's only a couple of hours from here...and first babies, especially, take a long time to come...and I actually don't think he/she will be born before then...but the possibility of him not being here for every single second of such an important (and somewhat scary) thing is....scary. Luckily, we have lots of friends and family nearby so I know it will all be OK. But it's just crazy how these things happen.
In the last year or so, my life has been such a roller coaster. Although sometimes I feel weak, defeated, scared, I think I have more strength and courage than I know.
I also think I have the stuff to make chocolate chip that's what I'll do.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Practice-First Photo on the Blog

Our neices Kristen and Darian feeling the baby move. (30 weeks.) Cuuute! (I mean...Anything But Cute.)

Groundhog Day-One Day Late

I have been feeling like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day...doing the same things every day at home. I need to jazz it up, man! Factors working against me: lack of $, lack of working turn signals on the car, winter weather, being almost 8 months pregnant...but I'm tired of my own excuses!!!!
I must make some good things happen. I'm going to see what's going on at my community center. Maybe I can still get in to some good, inexpensive class this winter.
Although Feb is a short month, I have a feeling it might drag on for this prego unless I am proactive.
Go me!